Monday, February 4, 2008

It's snowy outside!!

On February 1, 2008 we recieved about 6 to 8 inches of snow. Schools were cancelled and the kids got to stay home with both mom and dad. Unfortunately, it was to cold to go outside. However, Monday brought warm weather, up in the 40's, so we took advantage of it and Braden and Kyra went out and built a snow man. Braden wanted to build a whole family but Daddy said it was to much work! Included is a slide show of our snowy adventure.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Emily's Homecoming 2008

On January 25, 2008 we traveled back to Iowa to watch Emily in the 2008 Homecoming court at Holy Trinity. She did not win but according to Braden she sure looked beautiful. However, her team did defeat Central Lee in the basketball game.